is a Milan based architectural practice with over 10 years of experience in different kinds of projects, spanning from urban planning to architecture and interior design.
Studio Elementare borns from an idea and an ideal. The idea applicable to each project, especially into the contemporary world complexity, is to be able to offer a humble service based on listening, sharing and lastly on the development of the final product, taking care of all the elements without sacrificing anyone, but rather by valuing the set.
The ideal is that this idea of the process can be realized in a language that does not neglect the cultural today's tension, that need the "carefreeness" of those who live with enthusiasm, trying to seize all the opportunities that every job offer to become significant.
This approach, that SE feels as an attitude, it's definitely matured with the large-size works occasions but is based on the experiences of the small -or very small- ones, which are still carried out with the same seriousness and ambition, looking at the world through the eyes of a child.
Founder Paolo Pasquini graduated at the University of Florence, and after a first professional experience in Pisa (exhibition design for the Certosa di Pisa Historic Gallery at the Natural History Museum), he started an important collaboration with architect Italo Rota in Milan (Audiovisual Library of S. Sisto in Perugia, design and planning contest for the Nuovo Museo del Novecento in Milan), and with Aukett+Garretti, (Bodio Center business park in Milan, Competition for the ex Polo Urbano Fiera in Milan). From 2004 he has mantained a steady collaboration with Europa Risorse.
These experiences helped defining the misson of SE, with two different but both very significant professional attitudes: the stubborn search for projects that are significant for each single person as well as for the whole community; and professionalism at the service of the client as a moral choice.
Among the most important developed projects are: Milan Maciachini Masterplan, urban planning and design for the Carlo Erba brown field development - Land area 65,000 sqm, GLA 95,000 sqm; Food Park buildings, two buildings dedicated to a free flow restaurant in the same area; Lamarmora residential complex in Brescia for about 20,000 sqm including 30,000 sqm public park landscape design; the Butterfly Conservatory, at Diga di Alento (Salerno), an experimental project to integrate photovoltaic elements in architecture design for ENEL Green Power; Segreen Business Park - 30.000mq recently completed. The office’s activities include also services in art direction, exhibitions design and interior design.
The practice’s work has been featured in several leading architecture exhibitions, from Venice Biennale (2010) to Salone del Mobile (2009), including International Architecture Biennale Award “Barbara Cappochin” (2011), which led to the publication of Macichini project in “Superurbano”, in the section dedicated to Smart Cities.
The long-lasting professional experience within a developer firm brings PP and his collaborators, coming from experiences in international architectural agencies, to always consider the design activity as an occasion to add value to the property under development.
Patron Capitol
Doughty Hanson
Europa Risorse
BNL sgr
Emerald srl
Hines Italia
British School of Milan
Casa AM, Case & Stili “la Repubblica”, Nell’ex sottotetto ora regna la luce, p. 42, January 30th 2016
Masterplan Maciachini, “Milano - Guida all’Architettura”, Berizzi Carlo, Dom Publisher, 2015
Masterplan Maciachini, “Guida all’architettura di Milano 1954-2015”, Marco Biraghi, Hoepli, 2015
Masterplan Maciachini, Superurbano – Sustainable Urban Regeneration”, Marsilio Editore, 2011
Food Park, “AREA”, n 115, March - April 2011
People meet in in architecture, Biennale architettura 2010, Official Catalogue, Venice, Marsilio, 2010
Masterplan Maciachini and Food Park, “Elle Decor Italia”, May 2010
Studio elementare, “A10”, n 31, January February 2010
Butterfly Conservatory, “Abitare”, n 498 - Ossigeno Italiano, Dicember 2009
Maciachini project, “Milano. Verso l’Expo. La nuova architettura”, Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, Skira, 2009
Masterplan Maciachini project, “Casamica”, February 2009
Residential building project in Brescia, “Il Sole 24 ORE”, January 17th 2009
Maciachini: A Ground- breaking Urban workshop for Milan, Luca Molinari, Milan, Skira, 2008
The Food Park – Maciachini, “Il Sole 24 ORE”, Archinfo, February 2009
Masterplan Maciachini and Food park, “Il Sole 24 ORE” – “Progetti e Concorsi” di “Edilizia e Territorio”, August 4th 2008
Residential building project in Brescia 2, “Il Sole 24 ORE” – “Progetti e Concorsi” di “Edilizia e Territorio”, February 25th 2008
Masterplan Maciachini and Food park, “Tempi” n 12 - dossier Milano extra, March 22th 2007
Masterplan Maciachini and Food park, “Area” n 92 - supplemento real estate, May - June 2007
Masterplan Maciachini and Food park, “Il Sole 24 ORE”, March 1st 2007
Masterplan Maciachini and Food park, “Il Sole 24 ORE - Mondo Immobiliare”, June 17th 2006
Competition GIOIAOTTO, “Milano work in progress #5 Gioiaotto", March 7th-29th 2013, Spazio FMG per l’Architettura, Milan
Maciachini Business Park, "International Architecture Biennale Award “Barbara Cappochin” 2011 from October 28th 2011 to February 13th 2012
Masterplan Maciachini e Bosco Elementare for Venini, AILATI - 12, "Riflessi dal futuro, at International Architectural Exhibition “People Meet in architecture”, 2010 Italian Pavillion Venice
Food Park, “Milano work in progress #2”, 3rd-28th November 2009, Spazio FMG per l’Architettura, Milan
Masterplan Maciachini e Food Park, “MILANO MAC567 e l’inedito laboratorio urbano per Maciachini”, October 2009, Urban Center, Milan
Masterplan Maciachini e Food Park, “Conferenza sui cantieri di Maciachini, Altra Sede, Maxxi, Porta Nuova, Torri di Rho”, November 2009, in Headquarter of Professional Association of Milan Architects
Food Park,“Dreaming Milano”, 22th-26th April 2009 - 48th Salone del Mobile, Milan
The Team
Paolo Pasquini
Anna Milani
Massimiliano Piffer
Cristian Gaglioti
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People who worked with us
Cinzia Catena
Enrico Arrighetti
Maria Vittoria Mastella
Andrea Giambelli
Fabio Ditroia
Eugenio Fusarini
Tomas Devis De Luca
Loris Luis Perillo
Grazia Mappa
Francesca Basile
Lucia Delmonte
Cristina Cantamessa
Patricia Dominguez Garzòn
Olimpia Rangoni Machiavelli
Silvia Favini
Marco Frisinghelli
Riccardo Simonetto
Maria Tisbe Triaca
Valerio Rigamonti
Fabio Figaroli
Martina Croci
Eleonora Alviti
Giovanni Cuguttu
Mojin Zhang
Federico Florenzano
Athiba Balasubramanian